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The only way to increase sales in your business

I was listening to an incredible talk last night given by Stephen Somers of Marketplace Superhero’s, he was giving a masterclass on Business. In it he reminded me of some good insights on business development.

The advice may be simple, but it reminds me that the most effective business principals always are.

There are only three ways to increase sales in a business and the only reason to create sales is to create a customer.

  1. Get more customers
  2. Increase the average sale value from each customer
  3. Sell to your customers more often

Every single business is in marketing and the better it can perform the better it can grow.

Marketing is the ability to get the message out there and attract your ideal customers. All businesses perform some sort of marketing otherwise the business would not survive.

When we look at our business, we look to see what we do and how we do it, this is usually obvious. What is not so obvious is what our product offering is. This is something business owners including myself are sometimes not crystal clear on.

In summary, in order to build your business, you need to do the above three things and you also need to build your offer, sometimes we refer to this as our value ladder.

Contact me if you need further information.

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