Funding Support For Your Business

Looking For Business Funding?
Suddenly It's Easy
RDA have teamed up with Swoop to make it easy for businesses to access funding. Whether your aim is to raise funds, seek additional investment, acquire a new business, or sell your business and embark on a new venture, we are here to assist you. No matter your next move, partnering with RDA ensures you have a strategic plan in place for every step of your journey. Click the link below to start your funding application today!
Which loan is right for you? Swoop sift through offers from mainstream banks and alternative lenders to find the right combinations for your business.
Get connected with business angels, venture capital investors and crowdfunding investors, and find equity investors via government initiatives.

Cut the time you’d spend wandering in the maze of grants. Lengthy searches? They’re history – Swoop will find you the most relevant grant funding.
Compare & Save
We’ve worked with our partners to serve up some of the best deals on everyday expenses like banking, utilities, broadband and insurance.
Trusted & Secure
Simplicity and security are at the heart of all Swoop do. That’s why they have made working with them as safe, simple and friendly as possible. They are a chosen partner to all major banks in UK and Ireland.
Ready to maximise the value of your business?
Contact Paul today to learn more about funding support for your business!
RDA Accountants
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