RDA Blog listing page

How do I know if my business qualifies for the R & D Tax credit?

July 24, 2015

With this continued increase in R&D expenditure by companies it is imperative that companies are aware of, and avail of, all support available to them. Click here to read more...

I am considering alternative sources of finance for my business, can you explain what Invoice Discounting is?

July 20, 2015

In recent years the invoice finance industry has developed a jaded reputation amongst owners of small businesses for bad practice and opaque fee structures. Despite this many billions of pounds are... Click here to read more...

Working full time and running a part-time business? How do I move forward ?

July 14, 2015

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Working long hours and just getting by? How to re-energise a stagnating business

June 25, 2015

Business Owner Question: I am running a small retail operation and my wife and I are able to take a salary out of it by working long hours and the business just about breaks even. We are beginning to... Click here to read more...

Are you planning on increasing your staff numbers this year?

June 19, 2015

With the economic recovery in full swing many of you will be planning on increasing your staff numbers in 2015 and beyond. Click here to read more...

What will the new Companies Act mean for my business?

June 12, 2015

All businesses need to understand the implications of the Act and be prepared. Here are the top 10 things you should know. Click here to read more...

ARE YOU READY? The Companies Act 2014 will come into force on the 1 June 2015. Here are 5 frequently asked questions:

May 29, 2015

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Have you heard about the new tax refund scheme available for Start up businesses?

May 22, 2015

First-time entrepreneurs will be able to claim back tens of thousands in tax relief in order to offset start-up costs following a revamp of a scheme operated by the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and... Click here to read more...

How Cloud Computing Can Save Your Business Time & Money!

April 2, 2015

Cloud computing is starting to take a hold in Irish workplaces as business owners begin to embrace the concept of moving their information systems online. Think about when you use internet banking.... Click here to read more...

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