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Key Person Life Cover

April 6, 2012

I am a Company Director through which I run my Supermarket / Convenience Store Business. The Company currently has loans owing to our Bank of €550,000. When I took out these loans originally I was... Click here to read more...


March 30, 2012

I have recently inherited a second residential property, which I have received rental income from since the start of this year. I have paid the household charge on same; however I have now been told... Click here to read more...

What Savings Are Needed To Fund Education Costs?

March 23, 2012

I have 2 children, aged 3 and 6. My wish is for them to attend 3rd Level Education once they have finished secondary school. Can you please advise what costs I can expect and also what I need to... Click here to read more...

Is Tax Relief Available on Third Level Education Tuition Fees?

March 15, 2012

My eldest son has recently completed his CAO application and will be in college from next September. It is my understanding that tax relief may be available in respect of any third level tuition fees... Click here to read more...

Seed Capital Relief

March 2, 2012

I have recently been made unemployed and now wish to set up my own business. A friend of mine has mentioned to me that I may now be in a position to claim Seed Capital relief, as a result of this.... Click here to read more...

With funding harder to come by, there is light at the end of the tunnel.

February 16, 2012

Wexford Local Development ( WLD) is committed to supporting new and expanding small businesses in County Wexford through the National Rural Development Programme ( NRDP) in County Wexford. Click here to read more...

Boost your business with grants

February 13, 2012

If you're planning to start a new business or launch a new product, find out what feasibility grants are available to fund pre-start-up studies and market research. Click here to read more...

Expanding Abroad

February 10, 2012

From a commercial point of view the global market place has never been so accessible. Advancements in transportation and E- business capabilities have meant that even the smallest company can build... Click here to read more...

I am 30 years old and my family’s farm has recently been transferred to me from my father. Will I now be required to file an Income Tax Return and if so is there anyway I can reduce my potential incom

February 2, 2012

Before answering your above query, I would first advise that you ensure all relevant taxes involved in the transfer of the farm have been properly dealt with. These taxes may include Capital Gains... Click here to read more...

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