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Making a gift of money to your grand children

May 16, 2014

We are a married couple in our mid 60’s and are currently in the processing of updating our Will which we first made 10 years ago. Since we first drafted the Will inheritance tax thresholds have... Click here to read more...

Where will your business be in 2018 & will you still be working in it?

May 14, 2014

As a business owner and ‘go to expert’ in your field, such as IT, Training, Sales and Marketing, Engineering, Retail or maybe even Law or Medicine… Click here to read more...

Do your children understand why you work so hard?

May 9, 2014

Have you started to regret having to work so hard to build your empire and wish you had more time to spend with your children (or even your grandchildren)? While it is true that making money is... Click here to read more...

One big thing Revenue will never tell you about your business?

April 29, 2014

As a business owner, you have to pay your taxes, right … In fact Revenue has a whole web site designed to assist you to hand over your 'hard earned cash to the government. This can, of course, be... Click here to read more...

Childcare Services Relief

April 25, 2014

Individuals who provide childminding services in their own home, as opposed to the home of the child, may elect to claim childcare services relief each year. In order to qualify for the exemption... Click here to read more...

How clearly do you remember your reason for starting your business?

April 15, 2014

Your first business plan was probably a labour of love. For most business owners it’s the first time you seriously sat down and considered … Click here to read more...

Income Protection

March 28, 2014

I am a sole trader in my late 40’s. I am paying into a Pension for my retirement but I am conscious that my health is a crucial aspect of my ability to run and manage my business and that the effects... Click here to read more...

CGT Relief for Entrepreneurs

March 21, 2014

A new CGT incentive is being introduced to encourage entrepreneurs (in particular “serial” entrepreneurs) to invest and re-invest in assets used in new productive trading activities. This particular... Click here to read more...

Start Your Own Business Tax Relief

March 14, 2014

The Start Your Own Business scheme provides for relief from Income Tax for long term unemployed individuals who start a new business. Click here to read more...

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